Headless Chrome/Firefox Selenium Java in Amazon EC2
Setting up chrome/firefox in linux based x86_64 EC2 instance
In this post we'll see how to setup chrome/firefox in EC2 instance.
Further we'll discuss the way to setup chromedriver with selenium [java] in EC2 instance aswell.
Why is that difficult?
Linux based EC2 instances lack gtk+, which is a must to launch any GUI enabled applications.
How to solve?
Compile gtk+ from source.
This gist by joekiller has the complete dependency tree resolved for installing gtk+ for x86_64 machines.
Line 77 Basically installs firefox from its tarball. You can comment it out incase if you don't wish to.
Incase Line 42 fails. Do a wget for direct tarball from here, instead the complex recursive wget.
For Ex:
Nopes, Now we can't run either of the browsers as we lack X11 server which does graphics operations & screen outputing.
As our environment is headless we can't go for real X11 server as well [lack of hardware units to do screen outputing].
How do we solve this?
We need Xvfb setup in our instance.
All set?
Not really :P Still we haven't configured the instance to use display ":1" for graphics operations.
We can do it by
You can even edit the bashrc profile. But it might need a instance restart to take effect [Not very sure].
Problem 2:
Setting up chromedriver[java] isn't a tough task incase you landed in here first :D
Install chrome binary from the source or add the source urls of centos to amzn repo and do a yum install
Note: Chrome will refuse to start as root. So make sure your java process will be running as non root profile.
Setting up the display is necessary to make chrome to use Xvfb for graphics operations
Download the appropriate driver from code.google.com
Locate it in a directory which can be accessed without root permissions
See the sample tutorial @Chrome Selenium Binding
Below I'm highlighting the important config code from the same link.
Start the java process [non-root] you might see some c errors. Ignore them unless your process contiues to run.
Monitor the status of chromedriver.log [In our system it is located in /opt directory].
Make sure there are no "Connection Refused" or "ShutDown" messages.
These errors will eventually throw an exception at java main thread as TimedOutException.
Then main thread will exit.
As a whole
Hope this helps :)
In this post we'll see how to setup chrome/firefox in EC2 instance.
Further we'll discuss the way to setup chromedriver with selenium [java] in EC2 instance aswell.
Why is that difficult?
Linux based EC2 instances lack gtk+, which is a must to launch any GUI enabled applications.
How to solve?
Compile gtk+ from source.
This gist by joekiller has the complete dependency tree resolved for installing gtk+ for x86_64 machines.
Line 77 Basically installs firefox from its tarball. You can comment it out incase if you don't wish to.
Incase Line 42 fails. Do a wget for direct tarball from here, instead the complex recursive wget.
For Ex:
wget http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/latest/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-18.0.2.tar.bz2So, All done?
Nopes, Now we can't run either of the browsers as we lack X11 server which does graphics operations & screen outputing.
As our environment is headless we can't go for real X11 server as well [lack of hardware units to do screen outputing].
How do we solve this?
We need Xvfb setup in our instance.
$ yum install Xvfb $ Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1280x768x24 & #starts Xvfb in display ":1"Should start a X virtual frame buffer (Xvfb) which performs all graphics operation in memory.
All set?
Not really :P Still we haven't configured the instance to use display ":1" for graphics operations.
We can do it by
$ export DISPLAY=:1Executing the above will remain for the session that user has logged in [similar to standard linux terminal session].
You can even edit the bashrc profile. But it might need a instance restart to take effect [Not very sure].
Problem 2:
Setting up chromedriver[java] isn't a tough task incase you landed in here first :D
Install chrome binary from the source or add the source urls of centos to amzn repo and do a yum install
Note: Chrome will refuse to start as root. So make sure your java process will be running as non root profile.
[root@xyz chrome]$ google-chrome Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":1.0". [9706:9706:0206/061403:ERROR:chrome_browser_main_extra_parts_gtk.cc(51)] Startup refusing to run as root.Step:2
Setting up the display is necessary to make chrome to use Xvfb for graphics operations
$ vim /usr/bin/google-chrome #add export DISPLAY=:1 to the beginning of the scriptStep:3
Download the appropriate driver from code.google.com
Locate it in a directory which can be accessed without root permissions
See the sample tutorial @Chrome Selenium Binding
Below I'm highlighting the important config code from the same link.
service = new ChromeDriverService.Builder() .usingChromeDriverExecutable(new File("path/to/my/chromedriver")) //location of the driver you downloaded .usingAnyFreePort() .build();Step:5
Start the java process [non-root] you might see some c errors. Ignore them unless your process contiues to run.
Monitor the status of chromedriver.log [In our system it is located in /opt directory].
Make sure there are no "Connection Refused" or "ShutDown" messages.
These errors will eventually throw an exception at java main thread as TimedOutException.
Then main thread will exit.
As a whole
$ wget "https://gist.github.com/joekiller/4144838/raw/1560dbcf05cd90ba1052e8d999007f8803778c4a/gtk-firefox.sh" #remember to comment line 77 incase u don't need firefox $ chmod 777 gtk-firefox.sh $ sh gtk-firefox.sh #above command will take atleast 30 min $ yum install Xvfb $ Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1280x768x24 & #install google-chrome via yum [add source urls to repo] or from source $ google-chrome #make sure the command doesn't exit till you force it to [no gtk fatal errors or permission issues] $ which google-chrome $ /usr/bin/google-chrome $ vim /usr/bin/google-chrome # add export DISPLAY=:1 # run the java code it should workIf you face any issues leave a comment will see if I could help.
Hope this helps :)
nice work!