It's abt Brain F**K
It was a Boring Saturday again :P So jus started exploring Brain F**K an awesome weird programming language It has got just 8 alphabets + - < > , . [ ] that's it :) This is like Maagi of programming languages :D . - Prints the current byte + - Increments the byte pointed to - - Decrements the byte pointed to < - Moves to previous byte > - Moves to the next byte [ - Executes the instructions until ] ] - Executes the instructions from [ until the current byte carries 0 , - getchar() U wanna know the C representation of Brain F**K char array[30000]; char *pointer; That's it :) It has a global array of size 30000 with a pointer pointing to it :) So I'm curious and tried this one +++++ +++++ [>+>+++++++ >+++++++>++ ++++++ >>+++. >+++.+++.>++++++. >>+++. ---- . >>>+[[-] ,.------- --- ] So now UR curious? Jus Click the link to Execute this 1. Copy past...