Crisps abt scalability Part 3
New to this post?? Go on with Crisps abt Scalablity Part 1 and Part 2 So are you convinced with Master Slave. Let us move on to Sharding or Shared Nothing Architecture What is it? Before this I'll answer a different question. For Whom is it?? If the application you built can be partitioned. A scenario, You have 1 billion customers and all the customers are currently being maintained by only one data store. And they are being served from the only available data store. But the beauty of your application is there is nothing being shared between two customers. So, what is the use of it?? Just split them. Because they all are going to read data about them and they are going to write to data about them. Put up in another way, No one is going to read or write to your data except you. So, what you can do is just split your billion customers in to half a billion and make another data store to handle them. I hope now you understood what it is. That is aw...