Varnish Cache Purge, Ban and Ban Lurker
Lets walk through some basics of varnish before understanding purge and ban Varnish? From DOC : Varnish is a web application accelarator. Varnish can cache & serve all your static properties [css, js, images, parsed PHP pages, HTML] Reduces load on the webservers even on high traffic. Can act as a load balancer even [provided with proper director configurations]. Varnish uses VCL [Varnish Configuration Language] to override the defaults and tweak varnish based on usecase Varnish caches contents [cache object] against a key. By Default the key is Hash(HostName and Request URL) We can override the defaults by editing vcl_hash sub-routine in vcl file Do Cache objects live long in varnish? In varnish every cache object is stored against a ttl value. Every object will be auto-magically removed out of cache once they reach the expiry. TTL can be configured globally as default while starting varnishd with -t option . Also can be overridden in VCL using bresp.ttl va...