Asynchronous Javascript & jQuery Deferred Why?
Using jQuery Deferred In this post I'll try to cover an overview of promises and deferred. Further how to use them in nodejs. Define Deferred? Google Define: Put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone Deferred in javascript? Javsacript being an event driven scripting [and a developing programming] language, there is obvious need for developers to defer things awaiting events. For ex: window.addEventListner("load", function () { console.log("Defer my execution till window load"); }, false); $.ajax({ url: 'data.html', success: function () { console.log("Defer my execution till ajax load is successful") }, error: function () { console.log("Defer my execution till ajax load fails") } }); So? This is nothing unusual!!! Ya, obviously it is nothing unusual and obviously a beginner level fact. Deferred: As a programming paradigm, is a design pattern which solves the problem of code nea...