Backbone JS + Chrome App [manifest version 2]
Hello World!!, YAJSBP :) QUOTE: Getting to know a library or a technology is pretty easy, but things get reversed when you want to apply the same which you felt you knew :) In this blog post I'll take you through some integration challenges I faced while developing a chrome app along with backbonejs So, I got to know about this guy Backbone.js an year before at jsFoo 2011. The moment I noticed him, I visited his birthplace and got an overview of him. Then I felt that I could claim I know backbone.js. Later realised it was too early to say that. An year after I decided to try this guy and started developing a chrome app[ Features Recorder ]. Then I faced the following small challenges[on integerating backbone with chrome app] which I solved my own way :P Problem: 1 Chrome App manifest version 2 doesn't allow eval or new Function Error: Uncaught Error: Code generation from strings disallowed for this context Take a look at Chrome app Content Security Policy Why ...