
Showing posts from April, 2012

Ubuntu 11.10 Bluetooth Issue & Exploration

Command Line Bluetooth Transfer This blog talks about the way to mount bluetooth enabled mobile phone for file transfer via obexfs and also a very nice way to transfer files without a GUI using sdptool & ussp-push Don't forget the power of sudo whenever you get any permission denied error ;) Since I had upgraded my ubuntu version from 11.04 to 11.10. I never succeeded in sending files via bluetooth to my mobile phone. And finally the day has come, I Googled for the error that I use to get while trying to send files via bluetooth "Permission Denied (13)" and landed Here From there I got redirected to Launch pad where I found many people reporting the same issue. I got a chance to know some decent amount of distinct phone models too ;) And I got him & HEEEE was the Guy whom I was looking for. Also The issue with 11.10 can be resolved by upgrading your blueman service too via ppa I just tried his way $ sudo apt-get install obexfs $ hci...

Interesting Javascript Facts

Wishes to the web development world :) In the past 2 to 3 months I had chance to know about loads & loads of innovative JS Libraries All of them made me wonder "Is there a thing that we can't do in JS?" I wish to share some facts which got me mad in to this language & very beginnerish ;) What is {} + []? As soon as I saw this question my reply was "[object Object]" But the real answer was 0 :O Couldn't get any good guess on this, so posted @stackoverflow And I myself couldn't believe I missed it :P {} => Empty Block Scope & +[] => 0 So, cometh thy answer :) Some more of the same kind {} + {} = NaN [] + [] = "" [] + {} = "[object Object]" Why obj === +obj? I found this @ the source of Backbone.js I was wondering why should they check JS number type in such a way? Once again I got back to Stackoverflow The reply once again stunned me up :D It was to save the...