Ubuntu 11.10 Bluetooth Issue & Exploration

Command Line Bluetooth Transfer
This blog talks about the way to mount bluetooth enabled mobile phone for file transfer via obexfs
and also a very nice way to transfer files without a GUI using sdptool & ussp-push

Don't forget the power of sudo whenever you get any permission denied error ;)

Since I had upgraded my ubuntu version from 11.04 to 11.10.
I never succeeded in sending files via bluetooth to my mobile phone.
And finally the day has come,
I Googled for the error that I use to get while trying to send files via bluetooth
"Permission Denied (13)" and landed Here
From there I got redirected to Launch pad where I found many people reporting the same issue.
I got a chance to know some decent amount of distinct phone models too ;)
And I got him & HEEEE was the Guy whom I was looking for.

Also The issue with 11.10 can be resolved by upgrading your blueman service too via ppa

I just tried his way
$ sudo apt-get install obexfs
$ hcitool scan
Scanning ...
  3C:8B:FE:F6:1B:3A Tamilmani
$ obexfs -b 3C:8B:FE:F6:1B:3A /media/tamil
#Once I completed my transfer I unmounted it via
$ fusermount -u /media/tamil
It worked like a charm :) my phone got mounted & I'm able to transfer data
From man pages
fusermount : mount/unmount fuse filesystem [-u==unmount in the above example]
obexfs : mount obexFTP(Object Exchange FTP) capable devices
obexfs -b[bluetooth]
Learn about FUSE Here
From now my exploration started..
What is this hcitool do?
From man pages : Configure Bluetooth Connections & send some special Commands to bluetooth devices
Some Interesting Commands that we can send via hcitool:
scan: Scans all available and visible bluetooth devices
dev : Display local device [the host where you run hcitool from]
name [addr] : Displays the name of the specified device[addr]
info [addr] : Print device name, version  and  supported  features
and many more
[addr refers to BADDR of device -> unique radio frequency identifier, ex: 3C:8B:FE:F6:1B:3A]

What more ?
I learn't how to transfer data without a gui :P
$ sdptool browse 3C:8B:FE:F6:1B:3A
Service Name: Object Exchange
Service RecHandle: 0x10005
Service Class ID List:
  "OBEX Object Push" (0x1105)
Protocol Descriptor List:
  "L2CAP" (0x0100)
  "RFCOMM" (0x0003)
  Channel: 5
   "OBEX" (0x0008)
Profile Descriptor List:
  "OBEX Object Push" (0x1105)
    Version: 0x0100
$ sudo apt-get install ussp-push
$ ussp-push 3C:8B:FE:F6:1B:3A@5 /home/tamil/image.jpg image.jpg
A Brief explanation of the above
sdp -> Service Discovery Protocol
 sdptool -> Tool to send sdp queries to bluetooth devices
 Available commands:
  search : search for a service
  browse : browse all available services
  add    : add a service to sdpd
  and many more
So, using sdptool I figured out a list of services available in my destination bluetooth device
Out of all the services, I found the channel [5 -> highlighted in the output] of OBEX Object Push service
then using
ussp-push -> program that can be used to send files using OBEX (OBject EXchange) protocol over Bluetooth
I did transfer my file from my machine to my phone
$ ussp-push [addr]@channel src dst #dst is just a filename not a path


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